Tuesday, March 31, 2009

back on track!

We're back on track with gardening. Our seeds came in late, but we weren't quite ready to plant anyway. David's paint-dot system might actually keep us organized (or, at least, keep track of which tomatoes are which). Our young friend Jonathan helped up plant this year, and he did a terrific job -- and learned a little bit about math!

Virginia will be "helping," no doubt, and we're planning lots of vegetables around her -- and around the (YAY!) deep freezer we got from craigslist.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Helping Hands

Oh, Miss V. has really taken to gardening (with some breaks for sliding, of course).

I hope horse manure compost isn't bad for toddlers. She ate a little. Maybe it'll build her immunity? Farm kids are supposed to be healthier and anti-bacterial-slathered-kids because of their early exposure to a variety of microbes.

Let's hope.