Tuesday, November 28, 2006


We went on a hike in the woods down the street from our house and encountered four colors of berries, including black, two shades of red, and these crazy purple ones! I picked some, surreptitiously, and plan to grow them somewhere.

Speaking of seeds, our order from Pinetree Seeds came in, and made me tremendously excited for the spring. We are really doing it up this time with raised beds and flowers and all kinds of new vegetables.

I chose the company at random (well, kind of -- they were listed on a hotlist of recommended organic seed companies), but they haven't disappointed -- the order was fast and the people friendly, and the seed packets are really sweet and old-fashioned, with pastel colors and a border that looked as though they were hand-stamped.

Getting happy about the pattern on the seed packets makes me sometimes feel like that old couple, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, from The Catcher in the Rye, that Holden kind of likes and is kind of disgusted by, because they "got a bang out of things, though--in a half-assed way, of course."


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